As a school, we endeavour to inspire and support students to improve the understanding they have of themselves, of the LGBT+ community and instil a wider commitment to equality and diversity. We do this through our inclusive curriculum and our commitment to tackling LGBTphobia.
We are extremely proud to have achieved The Rainbow Flag Award – a national quality assurance framework for all schools and youth organisations, focusing on positive LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities) inclusion and visibility.
Find out more about this award at https://www.rainbowflagaward.co.uk/

Information and support for parents/carers, children and young people
You might be questioning your sexual orientation or gender identity, you might already identify as LGBT+, or you may want to know more information about LGBT+ to support a friend, family member or others in the community.
Below are some links that you might find helpful:-
- Stonewall https://www.stonewall.org.uk/
- Young Minds https://www.youngminds.org.uk/
- Barnardos https://www.barnardos.org.uk/get-support/support-for-young-people/lgbt
- Mermaids https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/
- Humankind https://humankindcharity.org.uk/service/lgbt-north-east/
Support from our team
Our staff will support our children and young people – and their families – in any way we can. If you’d like to discuss anything relating to sexual orientation or gender identity, our door is always open.
Our pastoral team includes:
- Mrs Docherty (Assistant Head)
- Mrs Tampin (PSHE Lead)
- Ms Fada (Senior Mental Health Lead)
- Mrs Barrett (Care, Support and Guidance Officer)
- Mrs Hudson (Attendance Officer & SEMH TA)
Or simply look out for a member of staff wearing a rainbow lanyard!