I am delighted to welcome you to our school. There is something very special about Hebburn Lakes and we are incredibly proud of our unique children, inspirational staff and supportive parents and governors. Together we work hard to make Hebburn Lakes a safe, happy and fun place to learn.
We foster an environment where children show respect and kindness to one another and the world around and believe strongly that our children deserve the best possible chances in life and that they learn best when there are strong links between home and school.
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Social Media
Hebburn Lakes Primary School
2 days ago
The Toby Henderson Trust have some amazing events coming up throughout Spring. The travel support drop in session and Easter open day do not require booking however the sibling workshop does require booking. All details can be seen on the posters below. If you need any further information, please ...contact either school or The Toby Henderson Trust directly.
The Toby Henderson Trust have some amazing events coming up throughout Spring. The travel support drop in session and Easter open day do not require...
www.hebburnlakes.co.ukHebburn Lakes Primary School
2 days ago
1 Red have fully embraced Rockstar day, they have brought rockstar characters to life with their wonderful rockstar singing and dancing. I am sure you agree they all look amazing!
1 Red have fully embraced Rockstar day, they have brought rockstar characters to life with their wonderful rockstar singing and dancing. I am sure ...
www.hebburnlakes.co.ukHebburn Lakes Primary School
3 days ago
What Parents & Educators Need to Know: Scams & Fake News
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