Take a look at what activities each year group carried out on or RE Day this week!
Today Reception and Key Stage One to start off our Christmas celebrations we were fortunate to have a theatre company come in to school to perform the pantomime Aladdin. We all had an amazing time, laughed out loud, had a cheeky little snack and to top it off we got to see Mrs Sikka and Miss Clark dance with the cast.
Today we talked about the Christmas story. We asked who knew the characters, who they were and which character was the most important in the story of Christmas . We discussed which parts the children in Reception are playing in our performance and how Christians often recreate the story in their church at Christmas. Some of the children then recreated the story and built a stable and others decided to paint the nativity scene.
The UK Government is replacing physical immigration documents with eVisas, a digital proof of immigration status.
Parents and guardians of children who are not British or Irish citizens, and whose children have either a biometric residence permit (BRP) card expiring on 31 December 2024, or a passport with an indefinite leave to remain ink stamp or vignette sticker, should take action to access their eVisa now, and do so on behalf of their children too.
An eVisa cannot be lost or stolen and can be accessed online by visa holders at any time to prove their rights in the UK. It’s free and does not effect your immigration status.
Another busy week! The children are really developing their phonics and maths skills and using these skills in their independent time. Fabulous creative work and amazing team work.
Another fabulous week in Reception. In our learning means the world theme we have been visiting India. We have been looking at Indian culture, traditions and dancing! Our Sounds Write skills are developing and we have had so much fun in the snow!
This week in Reception we have been using our knowledge of circles and triangles to sort and create shape pictures. We used lots of positional language as we made our way round the obstacle course. We have been working on our Sounds Write skills and made lots of fabulous creations!